Photo Gallery for
Dulcie & Maverick's Litter
(whelped January 23, 2004)
**To see weekly stacked photos of the pups, click HERE ...**
(Page updated March 27, 2004 - pups 8-9 weeks old in photos.)
Hi - It's me - WILLOW, and I'm your navigator for our LAST ROUND of photos! !
All of us are nine weeks old now. And there's some exciting news ... about ME! While my
siblings are all going off to wonderful new homes, I'm going to STAY here and be part of
the New World household! I was very honored to be chosen - and I'll try to live up to my
New World Wild Age !
(No, my eyes are not blue - that's just the flash... In fact, Evra, Suzi and I
had "perfect" eye exams last week. Raglan and Merrick just had a little PPM
strand or tag here and there - so we all did very, very well !)
Here you can see a slightly blurry picture of my
sister, Evra, mixing it up with Uncle Kevlar and
Grandma Mirrie. We all LOVE Uncle Kevlar and
Grandma Mirrie - and Grandma Mirrie in particular
has taught us a LOT about how to behave like
proper Basenjis !
Even though we are older now, we still have "alien" visitors
now and then. Here's Raglan, meeting one of them. THIS one danced and
SANG - which we all found really amusing (you can also see Evra's wrinkled little
forehead in the bottom of the photo)....
Little Merrick (who is now as bit as any of us)
shows off her ability to do pull-ups !
Go, Merrick, Go !
Evra (right) and Willow and Suzi (left) gang
up on one of our favorite two-legged
family members - Aaron! He can be as
silly in front of the camera as us!
What fun ! We're playing with our Uncle Ninja ...
He's telling off Raglan, and you can see Suzi
and Evra trying hard to steal a Nylabone
from Mama Dulcie !
Aaron and "his favorite girl" - Merrick (who is
fast asleep in this pix).... No worries!
Wow! Nine weeks have past quickly !
Very soon, Raglan, Suzi, Merrick and Evra
will be off to their new homes - and I'll
have my OWN page on the New World website...
Please come back to see new pix of me,
and of my brothers and sisters when they
come to visit !
Your humble correspondent,
Willow (aka New World Wild Age)...
here to return to Dulcie's 2004 Litter Page.
here to return to the New World Index Page.
Copyright Karla A. Schreiber, New World Basenjis, 2004