Ch. Karlyn's New World Order
"Smudge" - age 12 weeks
Into every life, a little something "unanticipated" must fall... And fall it did, in December 1991 -- with the birth of Max's first litter, out of Karlyn's Dilly (Avongara Diagba x Ch. Karlyn's Inquisitor of Woz)... Three handsome red/white babies proudly made their appearance -- and one little girl who was clearly "different" from the very start!
"Smudge" was born coal black. Then, over a period of weeks, she "morphed" into a lovely brindle girl... Ah, but the story wasn't over! By age six months [just in time to start her show career!] she had morphed yet again into an admirable sable pattern... Oh dear! What to do! For better or for worse, co-owner Carolyn Nagle and I decided to go ahead and take our little Smudge -- with her HUGE side-movement, lovely head, and other exceptional qualities -- out into the world for everyone to see...
Thank you to all the judges who not only gave Smudge points toward her title, but who made a point of encouraging us continue showing her. Smudge loved to show off in the ring -- and that made our journey -- while sometimes politically "bumpy" -- all the more worthwhile! There is always more to a book than its cover -- and Smudge seemed personally determined to help everyone understand that fact...
This is lil' Miss Smudge at age 5.8
At this point, Grandmas Karla & Carolyn say "uh-oh!"
Here's Smudge shortly after finishing
her AKC
Championship in 1993 -- winning a Group 2!
This is Smudge at nearly 8 years of
age -- &
in great condition thanks to Grandma Carolyn's
loving care, and a biologically appropriate raw diet!
In 1997, Smudge thought that we needed a little more excitement. She decided to breed herself to Carolyn Nagle's tri-factored red/white boy, Karlyn's Mohawk Warrior [who just needs a major to finish his title, but does not "like" to show!]... We all felt sure she wasn't expecting... Well, we were sure UNTIL she presented Grandma Carolyn with Sam and Liz! At that point, we embarked on a whole new "phase" of our "journey!"
Oh my! It's Ch.
Karlyn's New World Incantation --
aka "Sammy" -- as a 7 week old pup! Can you see
the handsome STRIPES on his cheek pads & breaches?
And what ELSE to our wondering eyes
did appear?
Why Miss Lizzy, of course!
Here's Ch. Karlyn's New World Incredulous
at age 7 wks.
"Look ma -- MORE stripes!"
Miss Lizzy - winning a Best of Breed
on the way to her Championship.
What a fun day! Lizzy takes
BOB, and brother
Sammy takes BOS! Sam is piloted by his
favorite handler, Sue Ellen Lynch...
In July, 1998, Sam became the first
brindle-pointed tri-color Champion of record
in breed history when he decided to take WD at the
BCOSW 1998 Specialty (for a five point major)
under breeder-judge Bob House!
to be left out, sister Lizzy finished her title
less than month later -- giving Mama Smudge
an "all Champion litter of two..."
While we're very proud of Sam and
Liz's accomplishments
in the show ring, we're MORE proud of the fact that they
both have exceptional temperaments, exceptional movement,
and exceptional conformation. Here's baby Sam, with
a special buddy, at age seven weeks!
Smudge, Sam & Lizzy at the Karlyn Kennels
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