Some Interesting Old Ads ...

Below are several old UK Dog magazine ads from my collection.

One of my favorites - a 1939 ad for Bongo of Blean. 
Note the  "Hitler permitting" reference in the last sentence.
Also, note the spelling - "Bazenjis..."

A 1940 ad for cream Basenjis -
subsequently banned by the English Standard.
Note the lack of nose  and eye-rim pigment.

A 1961 ad for then-recent English import, Fula of the Congo.
This ad caught my eye because, in later publications,
Fula's height was given as 15" - rather than 16"...
(see critique from VTW's 1976 book).

A 1963 ad showing two blue/white
Basenjis - Morning Mist of Sin and May
Morning of Sin, and offering the
blue and white male, "Blue Horizon of Sin"
at stud.  Note, again, the 
lack of nose and eye-rim pigment,
although these kidz appear to have
more pigment than the cream pups, above.


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