Aaron & I are Proud to
Introduce Our Latest Addition .....
News Flash - July 2009!
Avongara Rikita has been voted into
the AKC Basenji studbook by the BCOA
Board & membership!
Kita says "thank rooooooo!"
to all his friends and supporters,
He is officially AKC Basenji #HP345294/01 !!
Unknown African x Avongara Luka
(photo at 15 months)
News Flash!
Kita x Chili Pups
arrived 11/22/08 !!!
Avongara Rikita x Sonbar's Indigo Ice*
(*major pointed Ch. Sonbar's Brandy daughter*)
From left to right, brindle boy, dark red boy, and dark brindle girl...
(Magic Paws Basenjis, Milwaukee, WI) at bsnji@aol.com.
All of Kita's OFA database health test results can be viewed
by clicking HERE.**
Yes, our secret is out - and so is Luka's.
Avongara Luka is one of several Basenjis imported from Democratic Republic of Congo in 2006 by Jon Curby, Tonda Curry, Michael Work, Anja Strietzel and Joyce Moody. But unlike her fellow imports, Mz. Luka had a little secret - three of them in fact - there were stow-always on board !
In early May 2006 Luka gave birth to three handsome native-bred sons, including Kita.
"A Dream Deferred ...."
In December 1988, I met my first full African stock Basenjis at Jon Curby's home in Central Missouri. From that day to this one, hardly a week has passed when I have not day-dreamed about owning a native bred dog ... "some day." And now, that day is here!
Aaron and I are deeply indebted to Jon, Tonda, Mike, Anja and Joyce for making the sacrifices necessary to obtain Luka and the other 2006 imports, and for allowing us to share our home with this handsome, sweet, and VERY Basenji boy!
Native-bred Kita, at six weeks of age. That's Mama Luka - far left - keeping him company on the grooming table...
Kita in one of the Curby's sideyards at 15 weeks.... self-stacked.
15 week old Kita shows off his wrinkles for the camera!
This is Kita's mama, Avongara Luka. She lives with Jon & Vickie Curby in Missouri. We do not know who Kita's proud papa is, but we obviously know that papa carried brindle. There were several brindle males in the Congolese village where Luka was found.
Kita gives a puppy "shout out" to his papa in DR Congo!
Here is one more snap of Kita's mama, Luka.
Aaron and I are extremely excited to embark on a "whole new world" of adventure with Master Kita. Through this page, we will share our journey - the hills, the valleys, and everything in-between !
Thanks to Jon Curby for the photos of Kita, and the headshot of Mama Luka, and to Deb Brown Thompson for the stacked photo of Luka. We'll SOON be adding new photos of Kita here at our house (if it ever stops raining and if Kita ever holds still long enough for the camera shutter to click!) - so please check back often !
Kita - Our Regal African Prince ....
Kita - Our Silly Basenji Boy !
Well, OK... We managed to snap a couple of candids despite the bad weather and despite the fact that Kita's new nickname is "The Brindle BLUR" - grin! In the play bow photo, he's having some fun with his "big sister" Willow (out of the frame), who is overjoyed to have a new live-in playmate! Above photos taken 09/23/06....
Kita lounges on our screen porch on October 1, 2006, enjoying
a sunny, warm Indian summer day ....
Kita is joined on the screen porch by his new buddies, Willow (standing)
and Dulcinea (laying). Apparently Master Kita "rates" - since the dog bed
appears to be his -- all his !
New "BFF's" (best friends, forever) Kita and Willow
share a snuggle before bed-time..... Just ask Willow.
She'll tell you that she "has a new puppy" who requires
a LOT of instruction in the proper way to chase a bird,
run the Basenji-500, or negotiate the demanding and sometimes
eccentric ways of Grandma Mirrie !
Here's a photo of Kita two weeks shy of his six month
birthday.... Still very much a baby boy, but getting used
to the table, and showing off his nice topline, shoulders
and neck. An unairbrushed, unedited photo of the way
Mother Nature makes Basenjis! All the parts
seem to be in the right place - LOL!
What better way to spend a lazy day-after-Thanksgiving
than "sharing" a stick or two with a good buddy!
Aaron took these snaps on Thanksgiving Day 2006 -
just fooling around with the camera while the kidz
were watching some birds...
When I looked at them, these captions sprang to mind.....
For 20 points, correctly identify the native African,
1/4th African and 1/8th African Basenjis in this photo!
OK.... This photo contains "hints" - in the form of two tails...
Does that help?
One more try... Which one's the 1/8th African, and
which one's the native dog?? LOL!
"Ahhhh..... Stop it Mom!!! Everybody knows I'm the SPECIAL one!!"
I've got to caption this shot "separated at birth?"
On the left, is Avongara Rikita (native bred), age 7+ months.
On the right, is AKC Ch. New World American Tune (Kevlar),
age 5 years. Photo dated 12/17/06.
What ELSE would B's be doing on a lazy Sunday afternoon?
Kita, his best bud Willow, and Willow's mama Dulcinea (from left
to right) enjoy an afternoon siesta on the futon in my office.....
Photo dated 12/17/06.
"Growing Up .... Kita!"
Photos taken 12/27/06 - age, nearly 8 months...
Apologies for the dirty feet ! Kita loves his running in the yard - and
when you have a teenage photographer, you must seize the day !
Here are some early Fall 2007 snaps of Kita
enjoying Indian Summer in our yard..... He's 15 months old
in these candids.
Surveying my realm....
Squirrel Alert !
Kita Patrol.....
The lovely shadow on this otherwise
nicely self-stacked photo is ME - apparently I wasn't very
tuned into the fact that the morning sun was right behind me!
In any event, Kita is watching an early a.m. air show.
Since we live very close to O'Hare Airport,
"big silver birds" sometimes make an early morning
appearance over our backyard .... on their way to a safe landing !
At the request of several fanciers, I'm
posting two photos of South African Ch.
Binza of Laughing Brook. Binza was
found on the same 1959 Congo expedition
as Fula of the
Binza (above) / Kita (below)
On March 29, 2008, Kita attended
the Basenji Club of S.E. Wisconsin's Annual
Sighthound Match .....
Aaron and I are very proud of how nicely Kita
behaved when he showed in the "Exhibition
Only" Class... In this picture, he receives a
thorough hands-on exam from breeder judge
Carrie Jones - and doesn't bat an eyelash !
His down and back and go-round weren't too
shabby either (this was only his 2nd time in
a show ring / on a show lead)....
Then, a good day got even better !
For several years, BCOSW has helped to
fund a school in the DRCongo headed by
Dr. John Valk. As a thank you, Dr. Valk sent
us a beautiful old native hunting bell!
Kita's BCOSW friends asked if he
would model the bell in a club group
photo to be sent back to Dr. Valk...
Kita politely obliged ...
Here is Kita, proudly modeling the native bell
with all of his BCOSW buddies !
What a day ! Time for a long
snooze on the ride home...
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