whelped 01-02-2009
Sire: AKC Ch. AB-Rafiki Cool Under Fire
Dam: AKC Ch. New World Wild Age
Hi! I'm Warren - the newest New World Kid!
THis is my very own page where I can
tell you all about the neat stuff I'm doing!
I'm learning all kinds of new things now that
the weather is nice!
This afternoon, I found a big SNAKE in my
backyard .... Can you see the "snake?"
Whew! That was a close call!
This is my backyard. Uncle Kita ALSO tells
me that every year in the Springtime,
the backyard gets green and pretty, and it is
warm enough for us to be outside for hours...
I think he's just teasing me! All of this
happens EVERY year?
Mama Willow said it was dangerous
to run with scissors... but STICKS are
not scissors - hehehehe!
Uh-oh! She was watching...
I am growing up slowly but surely!
This is me at 9 months ...
And this is me just a few weeks earlier -
winning 4th place in a nice red/white
6-9 month puppy class at the BCOA National
Specialty in September 2009.
Thank you to Judge Terri Gavaletz for finding me
amidst all those other handsome young fellows!
(I am only standing still because I'm
watching a bumble bee in those flowers !)
You can see a VIDEO of me at the National
Specialty by clicking here:
I have 3 points toward my AKC
Championship, now!
Check out some snaps of me going Best of
Breed at the Grayslake, IL show on
January 30, 2010 !
Here I am, waiting patiently
to go into the ring...
Mom always finds SOMETHING
that needs fixing... Gee! But
I am doing MY job -- "Hey, Mr.
Judge - look at ME!!"
Just let me do my thing, Ma!
I know what to do - I'm a big fellow now!
**Thanks to our friends Steve & Rande
Mathers for these candid pix !**
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